The Barriers and Myths surrounding Psychedelics with Jemie Sae Koo — Co-founder of Psychable

Nadya Okamoto
9 min readMay 17, 2021

Jemie Sae Koo is the co-founder of Psychable, a “comprehensive online community connecting those who would like to legally explore the healing power of psychedelics with medically and peer-reviewed practitioners.”

Now Jemie has devoted her career to building community and democratizing knowledge about psychedelics through her work at Psychable.

Nadya: Please share more about your work in the psychedelics space!

Jemie: The reason Psychable is so special to me is that it represents a merging of so many of my life’s passions: expanding access to life-changing psychedelic medicines to help people live happier, healthier lives, growing a business from the ground up, and giving back to the indigenous communities across the world whose knowledge of these medicines goes back generations. I’ve personally had a profound and transformative experience with psychedelic medicine — it’s what inspired me to pursue my Master of Arts degree in Psychology with a focus on psychedelic-assisted therapy — and now my personal mission has become Psychable’s business mission: to provide even more people an opportunity to experience the healing potential of psychedelic medicines.



Nadya Okamoto

Nadya Okamoto is the co-Founder of August and author of PERIOD POWER.